
How to say Thank You in German: Comprehensive Guide

When learning a new language, saying “thank you” is a good place to start. It shows respect and kindness. In German, there are several ways to express your gratitude. Understanding how to say “thank you” can help you in talking with German speakers and make your interactions friendlier. Whether you are planning to visit Germany or just want to learn the language, knowing how to say “thank you” is very useful.

In German, the simplest way to say “thank you” is “danke.” But, just like in English, there are different ways to say it, depending on the situation and the person you are speaking to. This article will take you through different German ways to express thanks, from everyday casual phrases to more formal expressions. By the end, you will have the tools you need to say “thank you” in German in the right way, whatever the occasion.

Certainly! Here are 25 ways to say “Thank You” in German, along with their pronunciation, meaning, and example sentences suitable for a 5th-grade vocabulary level.

  1. Danke
  2. Pronunciation: DAHN-keh
  3. Meaning: Thank you
  4. Examples:

    • “Danke fürs Essen. Es war lecker!” (Thank you for the food. It was delicious!)
    • “Danke, dass du mit mir gespielt hast.” (Thank you for playing with me.)
  5. Vielen Dank

  6. Pronunciation: FEE-len DAHNK
  7. Meaning: Many thanks
  8. Examples:

    • “Vielen Dank für das schöne Geschenk.” (Many thanks for the lovely gift.)
    • “Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe bei den Hausaufgaben.” (Many thanks for your help with the homework.)
  9. Danke schön

  10. Pronunciation: DAHN-keh shern
  11. Meaning: Thank you kindly
  12. Examples:

    • “Danke schön für die Einladung zur Party.” (Thank you kindly for the invitation to the party.)
    • “Danke schön, dass du uns ins Kino mitgenommen hast.” (Thank you kindly for taking us to the movies.)
  13. Vielen herzlichen Dank

  14. Pronunciation: FEE-len HER-tsli-khen DAHNK
  15. Meaning: Many heartfelt thanks
  16. Examples:

    • “Vielen herzlichen Dank für die Karten zum Spiel.” (Many heartfelt thanks for the tickets to the game.)
    • “Vielen herzlichen Dank, dass du mir beim Projekt geholfen hast.” (Many heartfelt thanks for helping me with the project.)
  17. Danke sehr

  18. Pronunciation: DAHN-keh zehr
  19. Meaning: Thank you very much
  20. Examples:

    • “Danke sehr für das leckere Eis.” (Thank you very much for the tasty ice cream.)
    • “Danke sehr, dass du auf meinen Hund aufgepasst hast.” (Thank you very much for taking care of my dog.)
  21. Ich danke dir

  22. Pronunciation: IKH DAHN-keh deer
  23. Meaning: I thank you
  24. Examples:

    • “Ich danke dir für deine Freundschaft.” (I thank you for your friendship.)
    • “Ich danke dir, dass du mit mir zum Arzt gegangen bist.” (I thank you for going to the doctor with me.)
  25. Besten Dank

  26. Pronunciation: BES-ten DAHNK
  27. Meaning: Best thanks
  28. Examples:

    • “Besten Dank für deine Unterstützung.” (Best thanks for your support.)
    • “Besten Dank für das lustige Buch.” (Best thanks for the funny book.)
  29. Dankeschön

  30. Pronunciation: DAHN-keh-shurn
  31. Meaning: Thank you very much
  32. Examples:

    • “Dankeschön für die Cookies. Sie sind köstlich!” (Thank you very much for the cookies. They are delicious!)
    • “Dankeschön, dass du mich gefahren hast.” (Thank you very much for driving me.)
  33. Ich danke Ihnen

  34. Pronunciation: IKH DAHN-keh EE-nen
  35. Meaning: I thank you (formal)
  36. Examples:

    • “Ich danke Ihnen für Ihre Hilfe, Frau Smith.” (I thank you for your help, Mrs. Smith.)
    • “Ich danke Ihnen, dass Sie mir bei meinem Projekt geholfen haben.” (I thank you for helping me with my project.)
  37. Tausend Dank

    • Pronunciation: TOU-zent DAHNK
    • Meaning: A thousand thanks
    • Examples:
    • “Tausend Dank für den Spielzeug-Roboter.” (A thousand thanks for the toy robot.)
    • “Tausend Dank, dass du mit mir zum Zoo gegangen bist.” (A thousand thanks for going to the zoo with me.)
  38. Danke dir

    • Pronunciation: DAHN-keh deer
    • Meaning: Thank you (informal)
    • Examples:
    • “Danke dir für die nette Karte.” (Thank you for the nice card.)
    • “Danke dir, dass du mit mir Mathe geübt hast.” (Thank you for practicing math with me.)
  39. Recht vielen Dank

    • Pronunciation: REKHT FEE-len DAHNK
    • Meaning: Sincere thanks
    • Examples:
    • “Recht vielen Dank für den Fahrservice.” (Sincere thanks for the ride service.)
    • “Recht vielen Dank für die Hausübungshilfe.” (Sincere thanks for the homework help.)
  40. Vielen lieben Dank

    • Pronunciation: FEE-len LEE-ben DAHNK
    • Meaning: Very dear thanks
    • Examples:
    • “Vielen lieben Dank für das Puzzle. Es macht Spaß!” (Very dear thanks for the puzzle. It’s fun!)
    • “Vielen lieben Dank, dass du mit mir geübt hast.” (Very dear thanks for practicing with me.)
  41. Danke dir vielmals

    • Pronunciation: DAHN-keh deer FEEL-mahls
    • Meaning: Thank you very much (informal)
    • Examples:
    • “Danke dir vielmals für die Unterstützung.” (Thank you very much for the support.)
    • “Danke dir vielmals, dass du mit mir Englisch geübt hast.” (Thank you very much for practicing English with me.)
  42. Herzlichen Dank

    • Pronunciation: HER-tsli-khen DAHNK
    • Meaning: Heartfelt thanks
    • Examples:
    • “Herzlichen Dank für die Geburtstagskarte.” (Heartfelt thanks for the birthday card.)
    • “Herzlichen Dank, dass du mir beim Kunstprojekt geholfen hast.” (Heartfelt thanks for helping me with the art project.)
  43. Dankeschön nochmals

    • Pronunciation: DAHN-keh-shurn NOKH-mahls
    • Meaning: Thank you again
    • Examples:
    • “Dankeschön nochmals für die Blumen.” (Thank you again for the flowers.)
    • “Dankeschön nochmals, dass du uns zum Spiel mitgenommen hast.” (Thank you again for taking us to the game.)
  44. Danke vielmals

    • Pronunciation: DAHN-keh FEEL-mahls
    • Meaning: Thanks a lot
    • Examples:
    • “Danke vielmals für den schönen Ausflug.” (Thanks a lot for the nice trip.)
    • “Danke vielmals, dass du mit mir zur Bücherei gegangen bist.” (Thanks a lot for going to the library with me.)
  45. Gruß und Dank

    • Pronunciation: GROOS oont DAHNK
    • Meaning: Greetings and thanks
    • Examples:
    • “Gruß und Dank für die Einladung.” (Greetings and thanks for the invitation.)
    • “Gruß und Dank, dass du bei der Party warst.” (Greetings and thanks for being at the party.)
  46. Ganz lieben Dank

    • Pronunciation: GANZ LEE-ben DAHNK
    • Meaning: Thank you very much literally (literally “whole lot of love’s thanks”)
    • Examples:
    • “Ganz lieben Dank für das tolle Poster.” (Thank you very much for the great poster.)
    • “Ganz lieben Dank, dass du mit mir gelernt hast.” (Thank you very much for studying with me.)
  47. Ich bin dir dankbar

    • Pronunciation: ICH BIN deer DAHNK-bar
    • Meaning: I am grateful to you
    • Examples:
    • “Ich bin dir dankbar für deine Unterstützung.” (I am grateful to you for your support.)
    • “Ich bin dir dankbar, dass du mein Projekt korrigiert hast.” (I am grateful to you for editing my project.)
  48. Ich mag dir danken

    • Pronunciation: ICH MAHG deer DAHN-ken
    • Meaning: I would like to thank you
    • Examples:
    • “Ich mag dir danken für das kleine Geschenk.” (I would like to thank you for the small gift.)
    • “Ich mag dir danken, dass du mein Fahrrad repariert hast.” (I would like to thank you for fixing my bike.)
  49. Besonderen Dank

    • Pronunciation: BE-ZON-de-ren DAHNK
    • Meaning: Special thanks
    • Examples:
    • “Besonderen Dank für den Coach, der uns trainiert hat.” (Special thanks to the coach who trained us.)
    • “Besonderen Dank, dass du beim Theaterstück mitgemacht hast.” (Special thanks for participating in the play.)
  50. Herzlichen Dank nochmals

    • Pronunciation: HER-tsli-khen DAHNK NOKH-mahls
    • Meaning: Heartfelt thanks again
    • Examples:
    • “Herzlichen Dank nochmals für den schönen Tag im Park.” (Heartfelt thanks again for the nice day in the park.)
    • “Herzlichen Dank nochmals, dass du mit mir Science geübt hast.” (Heartfelt thanks again for practicing science with me.)
  51. Danke vom Herzen

    • Pronunciation: DAHN-ke vom HER-tsen
    • Meaning: Thanks from the heart
    • Examples:
    • “Danke vom Herzen für die Unterstützung im Schulprojekt.” (Thanks from the heart for the support in the school project.)
    • “Danke vom Herzen, dass du mich zu diesem Ausflug eingeladen hast.” (Thanks from the heart for inviting me to this trip.)
  52. Dank dir

    • Pronunciation: DAHNK deer
    • Meaning: Thanks to you (informal)
    • Examples:
    • “Dank dir hat unser Team gewonnen.” (Thanks to you, our team won.)
    • “Dank dir habe ich das Matheproblem verstanden.” (Thanks to you, I understood the math problem.)

These phrases offer a variety of ways to express gratitude in German at a level suitable for young learners.

Certainly! Here is a table with additional ways to say “Thank You” in German:

| Phrase | Pronunciation | Meaning | Example Sentences |
| Tausend Dank | tau-send dank | A thousand thanks | Tausend Dank für Ihre Hilfe! (A thousand thanks for your help!) |
| Danke sehr | dang-ke zehr | Thank you very much | Danke sehr für das wunderbare Geschenk! (Thank you very much for the wonderful gift!) |
| Besten Dank | bes-ten dank | Many thanks | Besten Dank für die Einladung! (Many thanks for the invitation!) |
| Ich danke Ihnen vielmals | ich dang-ke ee-nen feel-mals | I thank you very much | Ich danke Ihnen vielmals für Ihre Unterstützung. (I thank you very much for your support.) |
| Herzlichen Dank | herts-lich-en dank | Heartfelt thanks | Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Gastfreundschaft. (Heartfelt thanks for your hospitality.) |
| Dankeschön | dang-ke-shön | Thank you very much | Ein großes Dankeschön an alle, die geholfen haben! (A big thank you to everyone who helped!) |
| Vielen, vielen Dank | fee-len, fee-len dank| Many, many thanks | Vielen, vielen Dank für alles, was Sie getan haben. (Many, many thanks for everything you have done.) |
| Dank für alles | dank fü-er alles | Thanks for everything | Dank für alles, was Sie für uns getan haben. (Thanks for everything you’ve done for us.) |
| Tausendfacher Dank | taussen-facher dank | A thousandfold thanks | Tausendfacher Dank für Ihre Unterstützung. (A thousandfold thanks for your assistance.) |

Feel free to ask if you have any questions or need further assistance with German language phrases!

Certainly! Here are some common responses to “Thank you” in German:

  1. Phrase: Bitte
    Pronunciation: [ˈbɪtə]
    Meaning: Please / You’re welcome
    Example Dialogue:
  2. Person A: “Danke für deine Hilfe!”
  3. Person B: “Bitte!”

  4. Phrase: Gern geschehen
    Pronunciation: [ɡɛrn ɡəˈʃeːən]
    Meaning: Gladly / It was a pleasure
    Example Dialogue:

  5. Person A: “Vielen Dank für das Geschenk!”
  6. Person B: “Gern geschehen.”

  7. Phrase: Nichts zu danken
    Pronunciation: [nɪçts tsu ˈdaŋkn̩]
    Meaning: Nothing to thank for
    Example Dialogue:

  8. Person A: “Danke für die Informationen!”
  9. Person B: “Nichts zu danken.”

  10. Phrase: Kein Problem
    Pronunciation: [kaɪn proˈbleːm]
    Meaning: No problem
    Example Dialogue:

  11. Person A: “Danke, dass du mir bei den Hausaufgaben geholfen hast.”
  12. Person B: “Kein Problem.”

  13. Phrase: Gerne
    Pronunciation: [ˈɡɛrnə]
    Meaning: With pleasure / Gladly
    Example Dialogue:

  14. Person A: “Danke für den Rat.”
  15. Person B: “Gerne.”

  16. Phrase: Mit Vergnügen
    Pronunciation: [mɪt fɛɐ̯ˈɡnyːɡn̩]
    Meaning: With pleasure
    Example Dialogue:

  17. Person A: “Danke, dass du gekommen bist.”
  18. Person B: “Mit Vergnügen.”

  19. Phrase: Schon gut
    Pronunciation: [ʃoːn ɡuːt]
    Meaning: It’s okay / All good
    Example Dialogue:

  20. Person A: “Danke fürs Zuhören.”
  21. Person B: “Schon gut.”

These phrases can be used in various contexts to acknowledge gratitude effectively.

Below are 12 fill-in-the-blank exercises designed for a 5th grade vocabulary level, focusing on real-life situations relevant to a USA audience.


  1. Shopping Trip:
  2. Mom said, “______ the apples in the grocery bag.”
  3. Answer: Put

  4. School Announcement:

  5. The principal reminded students to ______ their homework by Friday.
  6. Answer: Submit

  7. Weather Report:

  8. The thermometer shows a ______ of 75 degrees today.
  9. Answer: Temperature

  10. Baseball Practice:

  11. The coach told Tim to ______ his bat before stepping up to the plate.
  12. Answer: Grip

  13. Museum Visit:

  14. During the tour, the guide asked us to ______ the artwork carefully without touching.
  15. Answer: Observe

  16. Cooking Class:

  17. Our chef instructor said to ______ the ingredients before we start cooking.
  18. Answer: Measure

  19. Birthday Party:

  20. For the piñata game, players need to ______ a blindfold before taking a swing.
  21. Answer: Wear

  22. Nature Hike:

  23. The ranger suggested we ______ to the trail map for the best route.
  24. Answer: Refer

  25. Library Visit:

  26. Mrs. Clark reminded the students to ______ their library books every Friday.
  27. Answer: Return

  28. Pet Care:

    • To keep the fish healthy, we need to ______ their tank regularly.
    • Answer: Clean
  29. Science Experiment:

    • Before conducting the experiment, it is important to ______ the safety goggles.
    • Answer: Wear
  30. Family Picnic:

    • Dad told us to ______ our plates before loading up with food.
    • Answer: Grab

These exercises are designed to integrate common situations a 5th grader might encounter, making learning fun and relevant.

In German, expressing gratitude is commonly done using “Danke” or “Danke schön,” both meaning “thank you” in English. “Vielen Dank” offers a more emphatic expression of thanks, equivalent to “many thanks.” In formal situations or when expressing deeper gratitude, “Herzlichen Dank” is appropriate. Germans value politeness, and using these phrases properly reflects respect and appreciation in interpersonal communication. Understanding the nuances in context and formality helps convey sincerity, enhancing personal and professional interactions.

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